Conor Bacon
2017 BA/MSci, University of Cambridge, UK
2021 Ph.D., University of Cambridge, UK
Currently Post-doctoral research scientist @ LDEO
I am interested in the relationship between stress, structure, and seismicity in volcanic environments, particularly how these factors evolve during volcanic intrusions. I develop software for the construction of high-fidelity catalogues of microseismicity from raw seismic data, including analysis tools for magnitude estimates, focal mechanisms, and seismic anisotropy, as well as forward modelling tools for seismic anisotropy and deformation. I am an advocate for widening access to data and scientific research in general by improving practices in the field and the free publication of open-source tools and workflows that can be run at any scale. At Lamont, I am working as part of the AVERT project to develop and field test a rugged hardware/software system for multi-instrument monitoring of remote volcanic systems.